I provide 1 on 1 research-based instruction using an Orton-Gillingham based system and techniques, which have been proven by research to be effective with dyslexic individuals, or most others who have greater-than-average difficulty in reading and spelling.
As of September 2017, I personally provide all tutoring intervention, and I work exclusively online.
Before you make a decision on who to hire, consider What to Look for in a Potential Tutor.
As your reading & dyslexia tutor, my primary service is high-quality, live, one-on-one Orton-Gillingham based tutoring over the Internet.
Tutoring sessions consist of two, 1-hour sessions per week. Please note: Two sessions per week is the minimum time required to make progress and “close the gap.” More sessions per week can be scheduled, but no less than 2.
The pace of instruction is customized to fit each individual. I progress through a scope and sequence of skills, but provide extra practice and reinforcement as needed, until each skill is learned to mastery.
If your child is moderately to severely dyslexic, please view tutoring as a long-term necessity, rather than a short-term “quick fix.” It generally takes a moderately dyslexic student 2-3 years to make their way through the entire scope and sequence of most Orton-Gillingham instruction, at the pace of 2 sessions per week. However, your child will make progress and close the gap in reading and spelling.
Tutoring with the right approach is just part of the solution. While your child is working on closing the gap, school and homework accommodations are often needed to help them learn and succeed in school. We provide detailed information on accommodations that will help you determine which ones will best help your child, and the information needed to discuss them with your child’s teacher or school.
Internet Tutoring
Live, 1 on 1 distance tutoring is available over the Internet. Click here to learn more.
Screening and Assessments
I offer assessments to determine your child's approximate reading level, and to identify his or her reading strengths and areas of need. These can be done on a one-time basis, or as part of on-going tutoring for progress assessment. Please note: I do not test or diagnose dyslexia, but I can offer recommendations of qualified Pittsburgh area testers.
Click here to see the assessments and screening services I offer.
As of September 2017, I personally provide all tutoring intervention, and I work exclusively online.
Before you make a decision on who to hire, consider What to Look for in a Potential Tutor.
As your reading & dyslexia tutor, my primary service is high-quality, live, one-on-one Orton-Gillingham based tutoring over the Internet.
Tutoring sessions consist of two, 1-hour sessions per week. Please note: Two sessions per week is the minimum time required to make progress and “close the gap.” More sessions per week can be scheduled, but no less than 2.
The pace of instruction is customized to fit each individual. I progress through a scope and sequence of skills, but provide extra practice and reinforcement as needed, until each skill is learned to mastery.
If your child is moderately to severely dyslexic, please view tutoring as a long-term necessity, rather than a short-term “quick fix.” It generally takes a moderately dyslexic student 2-3 years to make their way through the entire scope and sequence of most Orton-Gillingham instruction, at the pace of 2 sessions per week. However, your child will make progress and close the gap in reading and spelling.
Tutoring with the right approach is just part of the solution. While your child is working on closing the gap, school and homework accommodations are often needed to help them learn and succeed in school. We provide detailed information on accommodations that will help you determine which ones will best help your child, and the information needed to discuss them with your child’s teacher or school.
Internet Tutoring
Live, 1 on 1 distance tutoring is available over the Internet. Click here to learn more.
Screening and Assessments
I offer assessments to determine your child's approximate reading level, and to identify his or her reading strengths and areas of need. These can be done on a one-time basis, or as part of on-going tutoring for progress assessment. Please note: I do not test or diagnose dyslexia, but I can offer recommendations of qualified Pittsburgh area testers.
Click here to see the assessments and screening services I offer.
Copyright © 2013-21 by Janet Menosky Smith - Reading & Dyslexia Tutor. All rights reserved.
Nothing may be reproduced or used from this site without permission.
Nothing may be reproduced or used from this site without permission.